Our Mission Statement
We, the women of Miriam’s Circle Sisterhood dedicate ourselves to
being a welcoming, inclusive center for all women. Our focus brings the
foundations of meaningful and dynamic Reform Judaism into the lives
of our Miriam’s Circle Sisterhood family and to the wider community.
Our Sisterhood provides nurturing support and friendship through
charitable, cultural, spiritual, and educational activities along with
participation in social action and social justice.
Our 2023-2024 Board
Amy Greyson
Nancy Fidel
Executive Vice President
Marky Kaplan
Recording Secretary
Fran Sherman
Sharon Tanner
Co-VP of Communication
Flossie Friedman
Co-VP of Communication
Elyse Ellinger
VP of Financial Development
Susan Scheffler
VP of Membership
Sylvia Borovay
Co-VP of Programming & Education
Denise Stephens
Co-VP of Programming & Education
Judy Ortiz
Co-VP of Social Action & Advocacy
Michele Shugarman
Co-VP of Social Action & Advocacy
Susan Sherman
Corresponding Secretary
Sandy Rosen
VP of Religion
Beth Waterman
Sunshine Chair